Jane Addams to Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, September 5, 1912

Sept. 5" 1912
Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Lady

I am [enclosing] this letter for Miss Shaw which is so nice that I am really quite touched. I haven't resigned but perhaps I ought. Are you going to Washington to the Conference beginning Sept. 16th. If you can will you give a thought to the moving picture film of H. H. which they have asked us to show and which I have [page 2] just <written> to Chicago for, [although] with Mr Burchard in Europe, probably [no living force knows] when it is.

I have finished six articles for the Central Press Assn, hoping they may keep the Progressive Party. I am grinding away on one for McClure Nov. number. I have to remind myself quite often of the [$500.00] fee and the good of the cause. There is another [illegible] proposition that I would like to discuss with you -- but [page 3] perhaps that can wait until Oct.

Please remember me cordially to Miss Talbot, I am always affectionately yrs

Jane Addams


You have been awfully good about the suffrage [compromise].