Jane Addams to Esther Margaret Linn Hulbert, April 3, 1905


My dear Esther

[Enclosed] please find the account of the Grant Locomotive lot. I have paid your share to Stanley, fifty dollars for the amount he advanced. I meant to send you 25.00 in April, please consider it yours now and I will send it on whenever you need it.

I was so sorry to hear about Charlies sister. I had no idea that she was in town all the time you were and wish that you might have had [page 2] her [illegible words]. It certainly is very hard for Mr Hulbert.

Please let me know how life fares with you in the far west. Ethel's brother who is only a "[lawyer?]" in the way of prevention in the west now looking for work, if you hear of any thing you must let her know. The baby  is a dear little soul, and his father seems to be "head nurse" as his mother says.

With love to you all and kisses to the babies I am always Your loving aunt

Jane Addams

April 3d 1905