Thora Daugaard to Jane Addams, August 2, 1915


Aug: 2nd 1915.

Dear Miss Addams:

Enclosed I am sending an official announcement of our Committee for The Hague -- Conference being dissolved. This does not mean, however, that we are going to stop work. In September we shall form another Com. and send the names to Headquarters as soon [page 2] as possible and I hope in time for the report. We are not going to form any sort of an association -- at least not at present -- but we intend to call a meeting of the 5 -- womens -- com -- in Norway and in Sweden and talk matters over. I think that the Scandinavian countries will try to act in contact with one another.

<Union [Mondiale] [Mrs] Bayer> I have written a letter to Rosika Schwimmer and told her that the first com. was dissolved [page 3] but I suppose she never got it, as there were several questions in it that she certainly would have answered if she had received them. I should like to have this letter acknowledged so that I know that Headquarters are informed about our position here.

I am translating [Carr-Simian's?] mediatiori and hope we shall succeed in having it distributed in a fair number of societies. [page 4] As to meetings we have not been able to do anything (our national work has been so pressing just now when we had the vote) but in Oct. I hope we shall have something similar to the Swedish action but do not let this go to the press before we report more definitely.

It was interesting to hear abt. the results of the envoys. Only I should like to know something more than what is written but -- of course!

I wish you every good luck in your peace-work and hope that in the time to come we shall be able to do our little bit our work with more force.

Yours very truly

Thora Daugaard