Alice Peloubet Norton to Eleanor M. Moore, May 18, 1915


May 18, 1915.

My dear Miss Moore: --

Miss Addams has not yet returned from her trip to Holland. When she comes back, I will present your letter to her. She will be most glad to know of your Australian Society. I am sure that one of the first things she will do when she returns will be to write you the word of encouragement that you wish. I do not venture to do this, for I know what Miss Addams' own word would mean.

We are most glad to send you some literature, and will do so immediately. In it you will find the names of more of the Peace Societies in the United States that are furnishing literature; there are 69 of such societies here. The most important ones are named in our statement.

With best wishes for you, and for your organization, I am

Yours cordially,

Acting Ex. Secy.
Miss Eleanor M. Moore,
40 Evelina Road,
Melbourne, Australia.

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