Jane Addams to Sarah Hostetter, October 10, 1914


October 10, 1914.

Dear Cousin Sarah: --

A letter from Alice this morning says that she is returning for treatment. I think she means to come on Wednesday the 14th.

She hopes very much that you can come and I am sure you know how grateful I should be if you could make it possible. I made the engagements which are taking me away, long ago. I am to speak in the Western states from the 10th to the 25th, and as I walk from one engagement to another it is impossible to make any change now. I certainly hope to be back before the end of the treatment.

I have cleared out the closets and all of the drawers but one, so that you will be able to spread out and be comfortable. If it isn't convenient for you to come I am sure that everyone in the House will be as helpful as possible to Alice, but it will be a great comfort to us both if you can get away. I am sorry to play the "public woman" and it is very hard in the midst of distress and illness, but at the time I made the engagements, in April last, there seemed to be no reason why I could not be gone for several weeks. Please give my love to the family.

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