Alice Peloubet Norton to Charles Butler, May 13, 1915


May 13, 1915.

Mr. Charles Butler,
2321 Telegraph Ave.,
Oakland, California.

Dear Sir: --

There came to this office [today] from Hull House a request from you for a report on the recent peace meeting. I am not quite sure whether what you wish is the copy of the federation meeting that was held in Chicago late in February or the Congress of Women at The Hague the last of April.

I am sending you on a guess the Emergency Federation Material that we have and the call to The Hague Congress. We do not know yet whether there are to be proceedings of the Congress issued, but if they are should you like to have a copy. I take it for granted that they would mean membership in The Hague Congress at $2.50, though this is merely an inference on my part. I have not been informed.

Yours cordially,

Acting Executive Secretary.

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