William Jennings Bryan to the Officers of the U.S. Embassy & Consulates (Netherlands), April 7, 1915


April 7, 1915.

To the
Diplomatic and Consular Officers
of the United States of America in Holland.


At the instance of the Honorable Henry S. Breckinridge, Assistant Secretary of War, I take pleasure in introducing to you Miss Jane Addams, of Chicago, Illinois, head of the Social Settlement of Hull House, Chicago, who is prominent as a writer on sociological and philanthropic subjects and a worker in all movements for social betterment, and is about to attend the International Congress of Women at The Hague, April 28, 29 and 30.

I commend Miss Addams to your attentive consideration and cordially bespeak for her all appropriate courtesies and assistance.

I am, Gentlemen,

Your obedient servant,

W. J. Bryan [signed]