Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, April 6, 1915


April 6, 1915

Dear Lady: --

Mary said this morning that I had not answered your telegram in regard to going to The Hague. I didn't get it until the next day because I was away, and when I got back <I> assumed that the letter I wrote you the same day you sent me the telegram -- and in which I talked largely of "moral adventures" etc. -- answered your telegram.

I, of course, hoped with all my heart that you were going but I did not feel at liberty to urge anyone because the whole thing is so uncertain. Professor Mead, Hamilton Holt and Father Siedenburg, with a number of other people at dinner last night, gave me much cheer in their confidence concerning the undertaking, and from time to time I am bold to believe that it may perhaps be the first of negotiations leading ultimately to some result. But, of course, no one can predict -- it is literally "on the lap of the gods!"

We shall be at the McAlpin in New York, that being more fitted to the modest purses of the delegation than the other hostelries in New York. As you probably know, [page 2] the New York Branch of the Woman's Peace Party is giving us a farewell dinner on the night of the 12th -- where, I don't know, but I shall surely see you in New York. I get in about five-thirty on the afternoon of the 12th.

I had a telegram from Emily Balch this morning [ensuring] her going, and it pleases me very much. We are going to be "all sorts" and in that, perhaps, lies our greatest value.

Always affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Lillian D. Wald
New York, N.Y.