Secretary to Jane Addams to Emma Pierce Cole, March 16, 1915


March 16, 1915.

My dear Miss Cole: --

Miss Addams has asked me to reply to your letter to her, telling that if she goes west at all, she will be most glad to accept your invitation to speak. Her plans at present are somewhat unsettled, her sister being very ill at the hospital, and she is staying night and day with her.

Further she is planning, if it is possible, to go to The Hague for the International Congress of Women that is to meet there the 28th, 29th and 30th of April, and she cannot tell now how long she will be detained. She has just returned from a lecture trip in the east, where she met the Executive Council of the Woman's Peace Party.

In regard to the latter part of your letter, you will, I am sure, appreciate the fact that Miss Addams is not just now able to consider the matter, so that she can express her judgment in regard to it. A little [later] she will undoubtedly be ready to do so.

Thanking you for your patience, I am

Yours sincerely,

Assistant Secretary.

Mrs. F. H. Cole,
1810 Spencer St.
Omaha, Nebr.