Julia Clifford Lathrop to Jane Addams, August 20, 1914


August 20, 1914.

Dear J. A:

A demand has just come up to help in the preparation of a pamphlet regarding municipal recreation in the District of Columbia, with special reference, of course, to playgrounds. Something is wanted which can be used with Congress next winter. The basis for the pamphlet is already secured by the District officials and the real need is someone to whisk it into good shape in about sixty days. If the right person could be secured we could put him or her on as Social Service Expert at the rate of $2000 per year and give this for the first job. I have no doubt that the appointment would last from sixty to ninety days or longer. I find myself quite dry in the mouth in endeavoring to get appointees, and I am panic stricken when I think of the permanent appointments. <if you do not think of one, just ignore this.>

Yours faithfully,

(Signed) Julia C. Lathrop

Miss Jane Addams,
[Hulls] Cove, Me.

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