Harriet Park Thomas to Anna Sturges Duryea, February 12, 1915


February 12, 1915.

Mrs. Anna [Sturges] Duryea,
41 West 34th Street,
New York City.

My dear Mrs. Duryea: --

Miss Addams has asked me to answer your letter to her of February 10th. She is disappointed that we cannot definitely announce you for speaking in the Middle West. We are just about to get out the circular announcing lecturers and speakers who can be secured through this office, and Miss Addams asks if we may announce you as available for this sort of work in the East. She, of course, would greatly prefer to put your name down on the general list and have you speak wherever there is a demand for a presentation of the work of the Woman's Peace Party. Please let us hear as soon as possible what your dates and territory will be.

Sincerely yours,

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