Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, July 29, 1914


Hull's Cove Maine

July 29" 1914

My dear Alice

I have not written for two days because I hoped to have something more definite to say about Mrs Bowen. We go into the hospital every day in addition to the messages we receive and yesterday Mary and I called at Dr Abbe's house and had an uninterrupted talk with him. The physicians still consider her in such a dangerous condition that they will not allow any of the children to leave the island, but yesterday their tone was decidedly more hopeful. [page 2]

I telegraphed you not to give out any information because the children are a little sensitive about a certain rumor which has gotten about and I was very anxious that it should not be traced back to any thing which came from H. H.

Your letters describing your present arrangements sounded very nice and two other lectures came this morning. The conditions seem quite ideal and I am of course very anxious to know what Dr. [Ochsner] and Dr. Schmidt thought of the results of the first treatment.

We have been fearfully anxious and cannot know for some time that the dear patient is "out of the woods" but I do hope that nothing; will prevent [page 3] your coming. Our own little house is more comfortable and well established. We can easily get a good nurse from the hospital here.

Mrs Kelley motored over yesterday from her little place on the mainland and is spending the night with us. It is a great comfort to have an old friend at such a time. She is planning to come again when you are here in August.

Please give my love to the members of the dear family who are taking such good care of you, and do write me daily.

A telegram for Eleanor Smith this morning reports that Esther is [better] and has a nurse. Always your loving sister J. A.

P. S. Mrs. Bowen didn't go to Egypt you know, only met us in Naples in May & returned home in June. Mary sends her love.