Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, February 19, 1914


Dear Alice

Your letter & check for the labor museum came last evening. I think that you are doubtless right in keeping on at Girard [although] it often seems a little forlorn compared to Cedarville. When are you coming home again? I want to see you very much. Mrs Bowen and I are going the south on Feby 27" to be gone until March 16th. I speak for the Nat. Child Labor Conv. in New Orleans, there is a suffrage meeting in Birmingham [page 2] There might be a chance of coming to Girard between Birmingham on the 10th & 11th & New Orleans the 15th.

Mrs [Danal] sent me nothing but a picture of grandfather & mother which I have had framed. I am sending it on to you in a box of clippings. The letters [re?] she spoke of, never materialized.

It was awfully nice to see Marcet in N.Y. & she was looking very well & fit. I will write you more of her later.

Always your devoted sister

Jane Addams

Feb'y 19" 1914