April 13, 1914
Dear Lady:
Julia Lathrop stopped over yesterday, and we held several conferences on the crisis of the appropriation. She humorously says that they are down so flat that the only motion left is an upward one, but she and all of us believe that no publicity should be left undone that would draw attention. We have divided up tasks, and assigned to you the Ladies' Home Journal: J. L. says you do not need facts, that you can work out any story in your head, but it is interesting that the same week that the Appropriations Committee allowed $25,000 for the Bureau, below which even they could not go according to law, $165,000 was appropriated for free seeds and $400,000 for hog cholera. J. L. is taking the stand that she approves of $400,000 for hog cholera, as tending to higher standards of living, but it makes the $25,000 for the children impressive. I presume you know of the enormous demand for the pamphlets which she has already issued.
I hope you are planning to move this way before long, and please let me know beforehand.
I have a little home-made guava jelly for the Bar Harbor home. If you happen to think of it, drop me a line and tell me when it can be sent and how addressed.
Love to Mrs. Bowen and Mary Smith, and greetings to such members of Hull House as will accept them.
L. D. W. [initialed]