May 11. 1913
Dear Miss Addams
I have just returned from a week's visit to Mr. Roosevelt, at Oyster Bay, and whilst there he gave me the enclosed note of introduction to you. I should have wished to present it in person but do not know where you are at present, or anything of your movements beyond the address in Paris which Miss Kellor kindly told me. Is there any hope of your being in England before you return to America, and if so may I have the honor of calling upon you? If you had been at Chicago last month I would have asked to be allowed to make a pilgrimage to Hull House, but now I must cling to the faint hope of meeting you on [page 2] this side. I have for so long wished to do so, and particularly since your book "A new conscience and an Ancient Evil" gave me the necessary impulse to introduce and force through our Parliament the "White Slave Bill" of last session.
Will you let me know if you are coming to England, and if so when?