George Platt Brett Sr. to Jane Addams, September 24, 1913


64-66 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK September 24/1913

Dear Miss [Addams],

It seems a long time since we had the pleasure of hearing from you in regard to the possibilities of your having ready another book for publication at our hands, and as I am now at work preparing for the publications of next year I am venturing to write to you in the hope that you may have something for appearance then.

We spoke some time ago, if I recollect rightly, about a work which might be of very material use at this time if presented to the reading public, and I am still in hopes that you will do this book, or anything which you may have to give us will, I am sure, command our best attention and be sure to receive a welcome from the public.

Yours very truly,

George P. Brett [signed]

Miss Jane Addams.

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