Ida Minerva Tarbell to Jane Addams, November 14, 1913

The American Magazine

November 14, 1913.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

Last week when I saw you at Hull House you dropped a remark which, if I had been in a professional mood, I should have picked up immediately. I hope it isn't too late now. You were talking of the mystery of martyrdom and said that you had thought of writing a paper on the subject. I wish you would do so and let us have it. It is a wonderful theme and I know your handling of it would be illuminating to many people.

When I came back to my little club and told them that you had promised to speak for us in the later winter or early spring, when you come on to New York, there was such rejoicing as I think would have made you glad. I am not going to badger you about it, but after Christmas you will not hold it up against me I hope if I jog your memory.

We want to make it a very great occasion indeed, -- get a handsome theater and work heartily for you. In thinking about it I have wondered if it would not be a very useful thing to talk about Hull House and its meaning. I think you could do a great deal of [page 2] good to the kind of audience which I feel sure we can get -- women of leisure and professional women largely.

It was fine to see you looking so well.

Faithfully yours,

Ida M. Tarbell [signed]

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