Frances Alice Kellor to Progressive Service, February 3, 1913

Progressive Service
National Progressive Headquarters
Hotel Manhattan

New York City Feb 3 1913

I herewith enclose the first statement of the work of the Progressive Service. The Service hopes that the membership on the various National Committees will be representative of all of the states, and therefore asks you to send the names of men and women in the different localities, especially counties, of your state who can be asked to serve on such committees. We shall be deeply indebted for this cooperation.

Have you established a State Progressive Service? Does the idea appeal to you? Members of the Service will be glad to meet in conference or as you may suggest to lay this matter before you, and assist in any way possible. It is a good way of getting together. Do you know a better? Write us if you do.

If you can use any considerable number of these publications of the National Progressive Service, which will be issued semi-monthly, we will send them free up to one hundred. Orders over that are charged for at cost price, at $5. per thousand.


Very truly yours,

Frances A Kellor [signed]
Chief of Service

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