Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, February 5, 1913

Progressive Service
National Progressive Headquarters
Hotel Manhattan

New York City. February 5, 1913.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Miss Addams:

I am having sent out today the form letter that you suggested for membership on the committees, and I shall have another list of names to submit to you within a day or two, as a number of people are expressing a desire to serve on committees, and yours seem to be very popular.

I am very sorry that I have had again to cancel my Chicago engagement, and I am so discouraged about getting to Chicago that I am not going to plan any central western work until we have the policies pretty well shaped at this end, as it seems very inadvisable to be away more than a day or two at a time.

I think your idea of an advisory committee to consist of the sub-committees and half a dozen others is exceedingly good. Do I understand that you wish to have Mr. Grant asked to serve as Chairman of your Labor Committee. I leave this to you, as his letter is to be sent from Hull House. I agree with you that it would be better to have the chairman select his vice chairmen.

In accordance with your suggestion, I am making out a list of foreigners who might be willing to serve on the Immigration Committee, and would be very glad to have some suggestions from you in Chicago.

I note what you say in regard to the use of the rubber stamp, and have so instructed my secretary. [page 2]

I doubt very much whether we can get Mr. and Mrs. Andrews to serve, owing to the fact that they are connected with non-partisan associations, but I am sending a letter to them from you.

I congratulate you upon the organization of the Progressive Service of Illinois. It seems to me an exceedingly good group of people, and promises very well. I am taking up with Mrs. Plummer directly the question of cooperation.

I am particularly regretful not to go to Chicago this week on account of the financial situation. I wish very much we could be placed in a position to go ahead with the Child Welfare work and some part of the labor program immediately under your department, and I had hoped to raise the money in Chicago for this purpose. Do you think it would be best before you go abroad to get any pledges for this work. The expenses for the legislative reference are running very heavy, and we are going to have considerable difficulty getting money, especially for the departments. If we could secure some pledges in Chicago for this special work, it would be exceedingly helpful. If you wish to suggest any persons that I might write to, I would be glad to do it, or is there anyone else I could ask in Chicago to take this matter up?

Col. Roosevelt has discussed with me the advisability of having an employment committee to deal primarily with the problems of unemployed women during strikes and other labor disturbances. His idea is that the protection of the labor unions in regard to women does not go far enough; that they have facilities only for furnishing immediate necessities, which usually means food. His idea is that the National Progressive Party might have a standing committee which could, on an instant's notice, get into action and provide protection for any who are evicted or who are otherwise thrown upon the street or into contact with thugs or other characters who increase the temptations very greatly during such a time; and also that this committee might look into the questions of seasonal employment of young women. Will you let me know what you think of this plan, and if you approve it, whom would you suggest as Chairman?

I have not the addresses of Mr. Luke Grant, <Silas Saltzberger,> and Miss Edith Abbott. Kindly have the form letter in regard to membership sent directly from Hull House.

Very sincerely yours,

Frances A Kellor [signed]