George Albert Bellamy to Jane Addams, February 5, 1913

The Hiram House
2723 ORANGE AVE., S.E.

February 5, 1913.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams:

Cleveland has voted to create a new city charter. I am especially anxious to have department of Public Recreation with a man in charge appointed by the Mayor, the department being of equal rank with any of the largest departments in the city. Possibly Cleveland will have the federal scheme in the charter -- 6 or 7 departments with heads appointed by the Mayor who serve in his cabinet. The Department of Recreation ought to be one with inspectorship and police authority, which would not [zigzag] into the regular police department and [crisscross] into other departments. Under this department all phases of recreation which the city might possible promote now and in the future should be free from any entangling alliance with any other departments in the city. Also, it seems to me that this department should have control by license of all commercial forms of recreation. It should have authority to appoint inspectors for dance halls, moving picture shows, theaters and other phases of recreation. I am exceedingly anxious to get all the material possible to enlighten our commission on the importance of this department. Could you, out of your experience or from your reading, direct me to either foreign or domestic cities which have approximated such results? Or can you refer to books, magazines or reports which can be used in educating the commission. Here is a wonderful opportunity for Cleveland. I shall appreciate any help that you may give in focusing the minds of the commission on this important municipal function.

Very sincerely yours,

Geo. A. Bellamy [signed]

P.S. I would also like your personal opinion on this problem whether it agrees with mine or not. May I use your opinion in my efforts?

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