Abigail (Abba) Bass to Jane Addams, July 1912





Dear Miss Addams: --

I am enclosing a list of names of women who worked hard in the Cook County campaign and who are waiting and even clamoring for work to do.

When the State Educational Committee meets I would like to have this list given to them. If by chance my name is mentioned for any of the committees will you please let it be known that it is my wish that some one else be put in my place. I feel that some of the women who worked so hard in the campaign should have recognition now.

If there is a paid position of any kind I would like to suggest Miss Ethel Mason, sister of Mr. Julian Mason, of the Post. She was a most loyal worker. Mrs Murry Nelson Jr of Winnetka has reported that she and the women of Winnetka are ready for work. Mrs C. A. Kayser of Wheaton is looking for work -- and in fact I think that all the women interested in what the Progressive Party platform [stands] for are ready and waiting for action.

I was obliged <to decline> to go on the special Club committee for your bon voyage dinner because I am now entwined in a network of committees and sub committees that is almost submerging me. Also I told Mrs McCormick that I felt strongly that other [page 2] women should be chosen from the workers to go on committees. There is already quite a little feeling in this matter.

Hope to see you in a day or so I am

Sincerely yours

Abba Bass

P.S. A telegram has just come to me saying that the Educational Committee is to meet Tuesday and that they want the committee of women to which Mrs Bowen is chairman to meet with them on that day. I cannot be there. I will give my proxy to some one.

A B.