Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, September 28, 1909


September 28, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

A very dear friend of mind, Mrs. Charles A. Bonfils, known popularly as "Winifred Black," has accepted an engagement from a magazine to spend several months in Europe studying child labor and the child problem generally. You have no doubt heard of Winifred Black. She is, by the way, a very dear friend of Julia Lathrop, I understand. Mrs. Bonfils expects to stop over in Chicago on her way from here to New York, where she goes for a few days preceding her departure for Europe. I told her you might possibly give her some letters to some people in France, Germany or Belgium, where she goes for some special work in this line. If you can do this and indeed any other courtesies you can show Mrs. Bonfils would be greatly appreciated by all of us here, since she has been one of our best friends and consistent supporters throughout all the political trials and other difficulties. And she has done that under considerable handicaps. She is one of my very best friends, and I sincerely hope she may have the pleasure and honor of meeting you. I think she has met you before, but you may not recall it, except through her public work as Winifred Black.

With the kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,

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