Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Noah Baxter Feagin, April 3, 1911


April 3, 1911.

My dear Sir, —

Miss Addams has referred to us your letter of inquiry regarding the names of women engaged in philanthropic work in Chicago. Unfortunately, we have no Charities Directory of recent date, but  I am asking to have sent to you a copy of the Settlement Bibliography which contains a good many names of women in social work. It will be impossible in a brief letter to cover the entire range of social work in Chicago.

In regard to the work of boys' clubs, it is a pleasure to testify to the very valuable work we are now doing here. You will probably know of the Boy Scout movement, but I am asking also to have any literature that is available about this work sent you. I am not quite certain, however, that there is any which we can send.

Please believe me,

Yours very sincerely,

Judge N.B. Feagin,
City Judicial Department,
Birmingham, Alabama.

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