William Thomas Stead to Jane Addams, February 3, 1911

Edited by W. T. STEAD.
Bank Buildings
London, W.C.

Feb. 3rd. 1911

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House.

Dear Miss Addams,

I must write you a line to thank you for the charming book "Twenty Years of Hull House" which I have just reviewed for the February number of the "Review of Reviews", a copy of which I will send you. I have taken the liberty of bracketing your name with that of Baroness von Suttner as The Greatest Women in the Old World and the New, her autobiography has just been published by Messrs Ginn and Co of Boston. I thought it as well to notice you together as our two greatest women. I have been reading your book with the greatest interest. Thank you so much for the kindly way in which you refer to my visit to Chicago, where I found Hull House a safe harbour of refuge, and its queen that friend in need who is a friend indeed.

When will you be coming to England again. Soon, I hope, when you do I hope you will remember there is no one in London who will look forward more to your advent than 

Yours Sincerely
W T Stead [signed]

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