Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, February 1911

Hotel Belmont
New York

Dearest --

I do not know why I haven't written before save that I feel like an infant who has been learning to walk for the second time, and each speech has left me full of doubt concerning the next.

It is too bad that you had to go [page 2] to bed again and I am awfully sorry that it is the week I am away [although] you do not seem to lack callers. Both the Deweys sent their love to you and I drew a piteous picture of you with [violets?] in both [vases?] -- which almost moved "Alice" to tears. I sat beside Dr Dewey at the dinner and had a very nice time with him.

N.Y. is very gay and I am quite stimulated by all [page 3] I see and hear -- almost a thing of the old ambitions but not quite of confidence to "do a dare".

I suppose the Lady has told you of our various doings, but I am sure she doesn't know how much of the time I think about you and wish that our joint plans had fallen out differently. Bless you Dear

Always yrs J. A

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