Lida Gustava Heymann to Jane Addams, January 6, 1927


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Kaulbachstr. 12 Ghs.I

Munich 6 January 1927

Dear Jane Addams,

Thank you very much for your kind post. The Hull House pictures are lovely and we enjoyed them very much.

How glad we were to hear from Mary Rozet-Smith that your health has been improving lately; may it continue like this and may your health soon be fully strengthened.

Thank you for sending me the letter you mailed to Miss Sheepshanks, I have taken note of the contents. It seems to me that we cannot spend more money than we earn.

We are still in Munich and have not had a good winter. Augspurg has been ill for weeks: indigestion and insomnia, both ailments that really affect people, she is quite weak and down.

Over the last 2 days there has been an improvement, I hope things will move forward quickly so that we can travel later.

We want to go to Dalmatia, Greece, and Palestine. Egypt had to be abandoned, it is too expensive. We will try to work everywhere for our women's league and win new supporters for our cause. We are so looking forward to the sunny south!

We have a lot of work this winter as Gertrud Baer is on vacation; she is still not doing very well. In some cities our women work astonishingly well, in others it seems difficult to interest them in our cause. We are in the process of preparing a German-Polish conference for April. It is unspeakably difficult to work with Polish women, they are so slow, nothing progresses, and you have to have endless patience.

With all the best wishes for your health, we join warmest regards to you and [illegible] Miss Smith.

With lasting admiration, your

Lida Gustava Heymann


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