Osias L. Schwarz to Jane Addams, May 29, 1924

↑Bureau of the Mint↓

WASHINGTON, May 29, 1924.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams,

As my only published work "General Types of Superior Men," like my remaining and as yet unpublished works, is inspired by the same spirit as the Intern. League for Peace and Freedom, I am willing to forego my royalty for the benefit of the members of the World Peace School, and I advised my publisher (Richard G. Badger, of Boston) to sell the book at $1.80, instead of at $3.00, to those students who are willing to avail themselves of this opportunity.

Would you be so kind as to announce this offer to the class? By mistake, I sent this offer to Prof. Ferdinand Schevill, whom the newspapers announced as being in charge of the class.

Thanking you in advance for your kindness, I am

Admiringly Yours

Osias L. Schwarz M. A. [signed]

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