Jane Addams to Mary E. Porter, May 28, 1924



Hull-House, Chicago
May 28, 1924

My dear Mrs. Porter:

I thank you very much for your kind letter. I am very much interested of course, in what you say of Florence Nightingale. Several people that I met in England knew her personally and I am always very much interested in hearing more about her.

Our Headquarters are in Geneva largely because the League of Nations is there. I am sending you a picture of our Headquarters which as you see, is quite a charming old house. I am also sending your letter to Miss Balch, for many years the Secretary of the League, asking her to send you some literature. I have been the President since the organization of the League in 1915. Although the Headquarters are at Geneva, I think there is no doubt that it is directed as a whole.

Thanking you for your kindness, I am

Faithfully yours,

J A [initialed]

Mrs. Mary E. Porter
4516 Avery Avenue
Detroit, Michigan

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