Stanley Ross Linn to Jane Addams, July 10, 1923

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Arlington California
R.F.D. 4

Dear Aunt Jane --

Luncheon is half an hour away. Jane, Myra & Mary are all asleep -- and I have, therefore a chance to dash off a note to my beloved Aunt. Three girls keep one bustling, particularly our middle 21 month old girl. For sheer heartbreaking wonderfulness of smiles, disposition and brains, I have never seen within a mile of her equal. Added to that, she is so peppy that I don't need a boy around -- Myra -- is as full of pep & ginger as any boy can be. Myra [II] sleeps on the porch with me, and it is so cool at night that it keeps me busy covering her up. I generally end by taking her in bed with me before morning. Myra is in the house with Mary (aged 5 weeks) because it is too cold on the porch for her. Mary weighed 9 lbs 2 Kg at birth and now at 5 weeks weighs 11½ lbs. She is some whopper, looked exactly like Weber Linn at first and bids fair to beat even Jane on looks. She is bigger, healthier and more of a cherub than either of our other babies.

Jane is now 7½ years old is in second grade at school, after attending 3 mo. is tall and willowlike and is getting a little heavier. Her chief occupation every afternoon is slowly getting nearer to swimming in a reservoir we have here. She catches cold very easily, gets stomach ache easily, and in general has to be handled with gloves; but is gradually getting better, and is the pride of our hearts. Here are a few pictures. Myra is better looking than shown and Mary (after my brother) don't show at all. The other is the 17 year old [illegible] Indian (Hopi) girl we have had with us for almost 2 years and who [page 2] went to school at [our?] school last year. Is 17 years old & in 4th grade next year -- a sample of Indian school teaching methods. She is wild about the children and can put them all to sleep better than can any of us.

We have a 30' x 10' screened porch now that you and Aunt Mary can have to sleep on. It is cool & delightful and I hope you will stay with us as long as you can. You have never stayed even one night with us since I was married, so please do it if you are able. We will do anything you want when you arrive in this country -- motor to meet you anywhere you say and any time, and take you as little or as much as you want. Myra is very healthy and full of vim, and we want to do all we can for you. If you don't feel able to come to So. [Cally?], we might even motor up North to see you. We want you to see our children long enough to get the idea of their different characteristics if you can, but of course want most to have you not exert yourself. Tell Aunt Mary that nothing could have made it easier for me in your sickness than to know that her brain and understanding heart, were near you all the time. She might have had either without the other, and not made us half so happy about it. I am very, very glad that things have turned out so well as they must be turning out -- for no news means good news I presume. Give my love to Aunt Mary and all here send a great deal to you both.

Lovingly Stanley, July 10, 1923