Lea Demarest Taylor to Jane Addams, July 11, 1922


Trustees -- June

July 11, 1922

My dear Miss Addams:

The financial report for June shows a balance, because the Williams Fund came in. The donations were less than in June, 1921. Any balance that we carry over from June and July will be greatly needed in August and September.

If you can use more of the enclosed summer appeals, or send us the names of people to whom they may go, we shall be glad to mail them. If we are to close the year without deficit we shall greatly need more contributions.

Can any reduction be made on the note carried at bank for $5000, which comes due July 29?

I enclose a list of firms which are active contributors. This list ought to be increased. Would you be willing to send an appeal to any others?

The summer work is starting well. Over 400 women, children and young people have already spent a day in the Forest Preserves or the suburbs. The Winnetka community circles are giving us seven picnics this summer. The playground is open daily. Street games have begun. English and citizenship classes and the men's Friday night meeting are keeping up well.

Camp So-Com-Se -- the boys' camp -- is located on the Des Plaines River, reached by the Milwaukee Road, directly in from the roadhouse, "The House that Jack Built." We would be glad to have any of the trustees look over the camp. Association House is sharing half of the salaries, and sending half of the thirty boys every two weeks. Mr. James MacGowan is in charge. The new equipment (5 tents, 35 cots, 24 blankets and a new oil stove) we were able to get for a total of $229.

Forty of our girls have had a week at Arden Shore in a cottage with our two girls' workers. Our nursery has had two weeks at the Hinsdale Fresh Air Home, and we are sending mothers and children for two more periods there.

Father arrives in this country July 18, and will be at 574 Bellefontaine Street, Pasadena, during August, and here in September.

Truly yours,

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