Jane Addams to John Bertram Andrews, June 28, 1910


June 28, 1910.

My dear Mr. Andrews: --

We are contemplating getting together most of the papers which were given at St. Louis under Paul Kellogg's Occupational Standards Committee, and putting them into a book which shall be called "Charity and Social Justice," and may perhaps be opened with my presidential address. Would you be willing to [cooperate] in such an undertaking? Appleton is interested in publishing it, and Mrs. Florence Kelley would edit it.

We had thought of asking Father Ryan, Dr. Favill, Dr. Chapin, Miss Lathrop, Miss Eastman, Mr. Kingsley, Mr. Greeley and Miss Lattimore to [cooperate] in the undertaking. I believe that many people would be interested in such a book and led on to an enthusiasm for industrial [page 2] safeguards, who could be gotten at in no other way.

If the plan meets with your approval, will you kindly write to me in regard to the use of your paper? We will of course divide the authors' percentage in fair proportion, although I am sure in any event that would not be large for any one of us.

Very sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. John B. Andrews,
Secretary, American Association for Labor Legislation.