Lucy Biddle Lewis to Gertrud Baer, November 15, 1923

Lansdowne, Pa.
November 15, 1923.

Dear Miss Baer: --

The committee having charge of plans for the Congress in the United States, if the Executive Committee accepts the invitation to hold it here, asks me to write to you inviting you to come over in early January, or even a little sooner, and take a real rest before time for the Congress. We would like your help in the preparations later, as your experience would be of great value to us. Of course you understand that our government does not allow anyone to come in under contract for a salaried position, and if asked you can say positively that you are not under any contract. But after you have had a rest and are in condition to do something there will be many ways in which you will be valuable to us, and we may discuss financial arrangements with you then. This is an invitation to come for a visit and to stay on for the Congress.

I am sending this through Miss Glücklich because we want her informed of all steps we take and also because we are not sure how to address you. We would advise you to come on one of the Philadelphia boats as the simpler way from every point of view. If you will let us know whether you can accept our invitation, as we sincerely hope, we will try to make arrangements for your passage, of course paying your expenses. The boats to Philadelphia are used by many of us, and it will be simpler in many ways than coming [through] New York. We anticipate no trouble in your getting into the country now and will have you met on arrival.

Kindly let me hear from you as soon as you can decide, as we must get plans underway very promptly. Car distance from you all will complicate our making and carrying out plans.

Very sincerely yours,

National chairman.