Helen Brigham North to Jane Addams, July 31, 1923


July 31st.


Dear Miss Addams,

Mother and I were much disturbed and so very sorry to know of your illness and hope that before this reaches you, you will be yourself again. It had been a great pleasure to hear from Miss Eleanor Smith about your interesting and [page 2] adventurous trip -- I do hope this interruption hasn't detracted from the pleasure of what went before, and that we shall have an opportunity to hear more about it. It must have been a real triumphal progress.

We are "on pins and needles" today, as Dorothy and Miss Dunst arrive from New York tonight. Dorothy spent a week there with Miss Dunst at the little house on Fifth Avenue (just around the corner from where we used to be) which we moved [page 3] into last spring. I was glad to have her see the house, which is Mrs Philip Lydigs old garage remodeled. It is a charming little thing -- set with another in a very pretty garden which has been laid out in the lot back of the [Rhinelander]. The Rhinelander, as perhaps you know, has been built out of Mrs Lydigs and Mrs Mitchells houses and one other. I do hope that some time you can find time to come and see us there -- you and Miss Smith would like it, I know -- it is so different from most city homes. David is at the farm with Christina, and is as happy there as ever.

Mother and I are delighted with this lovely spot, which is as quiet and retired as it is beautiful and romantic. The lake has been a joy -- I have been canoeing every day since we came two weeks ago. It is very different from the eastern side of the Park, which is more crowded and uncomfortable than ever this year. With much love to you and Miss Smith & the hope of seeing you both safe and sound again soon -- Affectionately yours, Helen North