Jane Addams to Bruno Lasker, February 20, 1923

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Darjeeling -- India
Feby 20" 1923

My dear Mr Lasker

I have found it quite impossible to see Gandhi. He is allowed but two visits each three months, naturally his wife is one and there is much competition among his followers for the other one. It was they themselves -- the leaders of the movement were having a conference in Bombay -- who said the rules were [new to them?]. [page 2] I visited the colony at Ahmedabad and I have talked to dozens of people about him, from the Viceroy (I sat next him at lunch at that vice royal lodge) to young students who left college in order to serve him and who are just now rather at loose ends. I am keeping notes and may be able to send something later by using these but for the moment I could add absolutely nothing to the [article] [page 3] in the Survey. I am very grateful to you for sending it to me, it makes astonishingly vivid reading in India itself.

I hope to ↑see↓ C. R. Das in Calcutta this week, he is leading a party who wants to be elected to the Legislative Assembly in order to make this noncooperation more effective and for the moment has a large following. It is all more complicated in its actual application. [page 4]

I have declined various invitations to write because we are covering a good deal of ground and haven't sufficient time for reading, but of course the Survey is my earliest interest and I am delighted with the latest developments.

Please give my cordial greeting to Paul Kellogg, may I also ask you to thank Mrs Brennan for her letter & to excuse this scrappy stationery. We are on the point of leaving for [page 5] Calcutta and I wished to reply to your letter at once

Hastily yours

Jane Addams