Julia Clifford Lathrop to Nobel Prize Committee, January 27, 1923



To the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament,
Drammensvei 19,
Kristiania, Norway.

I beg to urge the distinguished services for peace of Jane Addams, a citizen of the United States, the founder and head of Hull-House, Chicago, as reason for awarding ↑to↓ her the Nobel Peace prize. Since her early youth Miss Addams has ceaselessly devoted herself and her fortune to the promotion of democratic assimilation of the varied immigrant groups arriving in the United States. This has led her to profound study of international and race relations and to increasing service in making clear the imperative necessity of international dealing by open agreements and through the processes of international law.

Her principal publications are as follows: Democracy and Social Ethics, 1902; Newer Ideals of Peace, 1907; The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets, 1909; Twenty Years at Hull-House, 1910; A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil, 1912; Women at The Hague, 1915 (in collaboration with Dr. Alice Hamilton and Miss Emily Balch); The Long Road of Woman's Memory, 1916; Peace and Bread in Time of War, 1922.

Since its organization she has been president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom with organized sections in twenty-one countries.

Probably no name in the United States is more distinguished than that of Jane Addams. I believe that the majority of thinking persons in Europe and in the United States would agree that her accomplishments in promoting a general understanding of the essential conditions of genuine peace between nations and races entitle her name to the favorable consideration of the Committee.

Respectfully submitted,


January 27, 1923.
Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A.
1204 National Avenue.