Jane Addams to Upton Sinclair, August 17, 1922


Aug 17" 1922

My dear Mr Sinclair

I was speaking for the suffrage campaign in Michigan in ↑1912 when↓ the subject was before the voters for a referendum vote.

The University decided that under the circumstances the lecture was political and fell under the rule that forbids political speeches on the campus.

The committee who invited me as well as myself concurred in this decision and I spoke in the town. [page 2] The lecture was attended by the faculty as well as students and there was no ill will anywhere. I had spoken on the campus before, and ↑have↓ lectured there quite recently. It does not seem to me that the incident is germane to your thesis.

I am sorry for this delayed reply, owing to a blunder in regard to forwarding my mail. Hoping I may see you when you come to Chicago, I am

Faithfully yours

Jane Addams

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