Miss Baer Released From Ellis Island, May 2, 1922



Jane Addams Intercedes for German Peace Promoter Detained by Authorities.

[Gertrud] Baer, a German teacher who was taken off the steamer George Washington Sunday by agents of the Department of Justice and held at Ellis Island at their request, was released yesterday following a hearing before a special board of inquiry. Miss Baer, who came to the United States on invitation to speak before the Women's International League for Peace, went to the home of Mrs. Henry Villard at 525 Park Avenue.

Robert E. Tod, Commissioner of Immigration at Ellis Island, said he understood the reason for detaining Miss Baer, who was a second cabin passenger, was because of lack of funds.

Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago, Lillian D. Wald, and Mabel Kittredge met Miss Baer at Ellis Island and interceded in her behalf. Miss Addams said that Miss Baer came here to promote international peace and had no intention of teaching communistic theories. Miss Baer is Secretary of the German section of the Women's International League.

WASHINGTON, May 1. -- White House officials were informed today that one of those on President Harding's engagement list for the day, Gertrud Baer of Hamburg, Germany, a delegate to the meeting here of the Women's International League for Peace, would be unable to fill the engagement because of detention at Ellis Island. The visit of Miss Baer to the White House, it was said by officials there, had been arranged by the State Department at the request of the German Embassy. Department of Justice officials said they had requested her detention upon arrival yesterday at New York pending investigation of alleged communistic beliefs.

Delegates to the meeting of the International League for Peace had an engagement today with Secretary Hughes to present a plea for recognition of Russia.