Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldman-Julius, January 3, 1922


Jan'y 3d 1922


My dear Marcet;

I am sorry I got the dates mixed, I always meant to speak in Topeka Jan 12th!

But alas for my chances of seeing Henry, I can't leave Chicago before the evening of the 10th and I must be in Freeport to speak to Flora's club Saturday afternoon the 14th at three o'clock, and at the State University of Iowa for vesper services the next day. This Topeka engagement was squeezed in through the efforts of an enthusiastic Kansan after by week was already quite full. Do come up to Emporia with as many members of the family as you can bring. I have accepted an invitation from the [Governor] Allen's for Topeka which must be short or I will never get to Freeport in time!

It is awfully nice about Feb 7th. I am to be away on the 6th but I will be here the 7th, 8th, and 9th. And we must plan something jolly for part of that time, even if you do visit the [Montessori] School in its new place. [page 2] I suspect that the ladies would rather have a story that the subject suggest, however they will be proud and grateful for anything you give them and I shall also be.

Your description of Henry is very enticing but I will surely see him soon and I certainly love him dearly.

I am writing this letter with one finger but must be off to my budget making which takes much time. With love and all good New Year wishes to the family great and small, I am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams [signed]

↑J./A. leaves Chicago Tuesday 10-6 P.m.
on Emporia Wed 1.15 P.m
leaves [Emporia] Thursday 3 P.m.
on Topeka Friday
Freeport Sat 14"
Iowa City Sunday 15"↓

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