Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, September 29, 1921


September 29, 1921

Miss Jane Addams,
Care of Miss Kittredge, ↑[South]↓
[62] Washington, Square,
New York City.

Dear Miss Addams:

I regret more than I can say that I won’t be here on your arrival. My summer vacation was cut short and this is my only chance to get a week in. But I want you to know how much I have appreciated the new response to your leadership which has come in Europe this summer.

I am still hoping that you have in your [briefcase], when you land, an article which we can bring out in the first Survey Graphic just before the Washington Conference -- or if that is impossible, a chapter from your book.

Miss Shaw will be seeing you and others of our staff.

Can you give me Romain Rolland's address and do you think he might write us something on the spiritual meaning of Switzerland in giving refuge, as it has, in these war years to men like himself?


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