Helene Rosthorn Lecher to Jane Addams, April 19, 1921



Vienna, April 19, 1921.
↑XVIII Cottagegasse 30↓

My dear Miss Addams.

In grateful memory of your presidency in the International Womans Congress at The Hague 1915, I rejoice at the prospect of seeing you in Vienna this summer. Knowing also that you are a close friend of long standing of my sister and Professor Charles S. Bacon, I look forward with double pleasure to your presence among us, and write to ask if you would bestow on me the [honor] and satisfaction to be during your stay here the quest of our modest home. We live in a quiet house with pleasant surroundings on the outskirts of the town, but having good communication with the center.

With best greetings and in anticipation of a favorable reply, I remain

yours very sincerely

Helene [illegible] Rosthorn

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