Peace Strike Pledge, ca. 1920


To Women and Mothers:

At the International Congress of Women in the Spring of 1919, all the women present solemnly pledged themselves never again to support future wars by help of any kind. The universal international strike of women in the case of war was unanimously voted. But this strike must be prepared long beforehand in all countries in order that in the hour of danger there may be a united force against which the will of those in power, who lust for war, shall be [shattered]. It is for us women and mothers, who have been through the unspeakable suffering and horror of the world war, to crush future wars in the bud. If we are united, war and peace are in our hands. Against our will, without our readiness to fill all the gaps at home and to keep business, transportation and industry going, the cannon on the fields of slaughter could not carry on their work of death for an hour. Therefore, women and mothers of all countries, sign your names below, bind yourself by this world-embracing pledge and hold faithfully to it, if the time of danger should make it necessary.

Recognizing the great responsibility of each one of us for the fate of millions upon millions, we, women and mothers, declare by our signatures that to us the sacredness and inviolability of life is the supreme law, that we therefore repudiate all organized killing as unworthy of humanity and that never again will we render any support to war, including civil war, whether through money, propaganda or work.

NAME                        ADDRESS


(To be forwarded to the International League for Peace and Freedom, Geneva, Switzerland).

(When filled, pleased return to ↑Miss G. Reynolds, 212 Fulton, St.,↓)

Palo Alto, California.