Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, August 14, 1908


My dear Alice

I had no idea you would feel so strongly in regard to a few days visit. I was very eager to get back and get ready for my vacation which I have not yet had. I have been on the edge of a heat prostration twice this summer and am eager to get to the coast of Maine. I cannot stand constant public speaking as well as I used to and do not [page 2] mean to take more summer engagements. If it would not throw out Mrs Bowen's plans I should be glad to come to Girard now, (it is almost as near in price of time & money as I have from any time this summer) but is hardly [seems] worthwhile to make two ladies so irate as I quite innocently seem to have made one. I am sending you Mrs Bowen's letter, which came this morning. [page 3]

My address there will be

c/o Mrs J. T. Bowen
Bar Harbor Maine

I could dilate very easily on my heat exhaustion [although] it did not seem worth writing all that. I hope to catch a glimpse of Weber & Mary as I pass [through] Boston. 

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Aug 14" 1908

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