Maria Antonina Czaplicka to Emily Greene Balch, August 28, 1920



Berlin, August 28. 1920.

Dear Miss Balch,

I have found on my arrival here ↑yesterday↓ your kind letter awaiting me here. I sincerely regret that my work does not take me to Switzerland. My work for the American Syndicates which I am doing this summer covers all countries which are in trouble and yours is one of the happy one's in this respect. But I hope we will meet soon.

There is no regular office of W.I.L.P.F. in Poland now and my English and American friends encouraged me to open it while in that country. Miss Jane Addams wrote a nice letter for the opening of such a section. I gathered several progressive women in Warsaw one night, but it was a hot moment, when the fall of the capital was anticipated. Hence the enclosed was the only result of the meeting at present. I hope it may be printed in the "News" of the W.I.L. Could you note also the names signed: Dr. Budzinska-Tylicka, (Wilcza Street, 10, Warsaw) is the president of the Progressive Club. I hope a regular office will be established as soon as war is over and I find that all progressive elements are for peace but not "at all price": i.e. not sacrificing the Polish independence. My address in England will be now The University Bristol, for I desert Oxford for a "better job" there.

Very sincerely yours,

M. A. Czaplicka.

P.S. Is there an office of W.I.L. in Holland. I will stop there on my way to England and will be glad to get a letter from you about it before I leave. Kindly address

c/o. Foreign Press Service, 34, Dorotheenstr. Berlin.

They will forward your letter in case I am away.
