Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius to Jane Addams, ca. 1920 (fragment)


Dearest Auntie --

Alice and I reached home safely and found a most eager family awaiting us. I fell perfectly conscience-stricken when I saw Henry.

[illegible] As I could came in the front door I heard his [plaintive] little voice -- and for a Healthy robust child it can at moments be incredibly [plaintive] -- announcing "I want ma-ma. I want ma-ma." Manuel said the night before he ↑had↓ kept at up for hours -- just over and over. [page 2] They had all tried & tried until in vain until he fell asleep from exhaustion.

The moment I saw him I knew he had fever and the ex he had -- 102. Poor little soul! Just fretted himself into it. He is a curious little chap, never will I leave him again for more than a day. Where it isn't convenient for [it] I've promised him that quite I have so sworn it.

Accordingly I shall take Henry and Alice and Josephine to Cedarville with me when I leave this Friday. Haryot Jones [page(s) missing] [page 3] seeing the sights.

First of all I must tell you that the old saw about the middle of the month held good. There are no new little Haldeman-Juliuses in sight as yet. And I really think this is best as I still have that curious feeling of being at ebb-tide -- quite well, but with all my forces at a low point.

I've been having lots of fun in one way and another since I [met?] last [page(s) missing]