Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, January 8, 1919


↓Carbon for E. G. B. from A. T. P.↓

2513 Twelfth Street, Washington.
Jan, 8, 1919.

Dear Miss Addams:

At last it seems as if we had got our lines established again. Yesterday came a letter of enclosures relative to the foreign voting and a classification of votes. Today have come your long delayed letter with the signed sheets, and later your letter of the 6th.

Before the latter came I made out a simple certification of election on one of the sheets, copying almost all of it from your original letter of the 19th of December. I am sending it to Mrs. Mead for her signature, if it seems all right to her. I am sending a carbon to you and am returning all the signed sheets but one that I experimented with.

I will send Mme. Duchene's letter on to Miss Balch, and ask her to send it to Mrs. [Ford?].

It begins to look as if the Peace Conference would not begin as soon as we thought, doesn't it? This would automatically have delayed our Congress, even if we had decided to hold it in February. And the voting seems to be mostly for May, doesn't it?

Before I got your letter of the 6th I had made up my mind to ↑ask you to↓ telegraph me on the receipt of this letter as to whether you thought I had better apply for a passport now, in view of the fact that the vote was so largely for May. And your letter confirms my feeling that perhaps I had better not apply until we are more sure of when I had better go. I would not feel that I ought to go over in a general kind of way, without a definite group under definite leadership. I have too little experience and international acquaintance to be of much use, except as a minor member. And except for a special use I ought not to go over for long; I ought not to leave Louis, and I could ill afford the cost. Mrs. Mead would of course be a tower of strength, but I doubt if Mrs. Andrews is prepared to do much with such a group, occupied as she is. If Mrs. Mead decides to go, and wants me to go too, I shall of course have to consider it seriously. But I think we ought to have as many as five or six definitely appointed persons of experience in international matters to make it worth while for Mrs. Mead and myself to find it reasonable for us to go with all that we have to hold us here. Of course I do not know how she feels about it. As you know, I have felt strongly that it would be well for a group to be over there, but I am in doubt as to the value of one or two going over.

I am ever so glad you are getting in work on the League of Nations, and that you are taking on some engagements. I hope that is your especial topic.

Always faithfully and affectionately yours,