Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Mary Norton, August 23, 1917


August 23, 1917.

My dear Miss Norton:

Thank you very much for your contribution to our work. I take great pleasure in sending you under separate cover some additional copies of Randolph Bourne's article.

I am also including some other things which we have just received and which we are planning to send out next week. There is great eagerness for this material on the part of our members and I only hope that not very much of it will go astray because of the fact that so many are away from home at this time.

The New Republic has been wonderfully good during these last few weeks in its insistence on the statesmanlike policy of stating [terms] of peace. I get great comfort out of it.

I hope I shall have the pleasure of meeting you at some of our meetings. We hope to hold meetings again in September.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Mary Norton,
Gladstone Hotel,
Chicago, Illinois.

Item Relations