Hull House-Jane Club, August 1917


Hull House -- Jane Club -- Aug. 1917.

Jane Club now pays to Hull House:

$60.00 per month rental, equals $720.00 per year

$20.00 [per month] for heat for season of 7 months

(1070 sq. ft. of installed radiation or at the rate of 15¢)

(per sq. ft. of installed radiation)

1/2¢ per lamp hour for electric light and no charge for lamps

Hot water -- no separate charge -- included in the $720.00 per year

Jane Club to pay Hull House after 1 October 1917:

$65.00 per month rental, equals $780.00 per year

40¢ per sq. ft. of installed radiation for heating season of 7 months; or on basis of 1070 sq. ft. = $427.00 or $61.00 per month during seven months, -- any period in excess of 7 months to be charged for pro rata.

5¢ per kilowatt hour for electric current for lighting

(no charge to be made for lamps)

Hot water -- no separate charge

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