Allen Bartlit Pond to Julia McCann, August 11, 1917


August 11th, 1917.

Miss Julia [McCann], Pres.,
The Jane Club,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam:

Since the rental charge per annum between Hull House and the Jane Club was arranged, many years ago, there has been a material change in the cost of coal and labor and, naturally, as the building has grown older a somewhat greater necessity for repairs. The rental was never put at a commercial rate and Hull House finds itself now compelled to make some changes in the schedule of charges. On and after the first of October Hull House will charge the Jane Club on the basis of the memorandum enclosed herewith.

The particular increase is in the matter of heat, which was arbitrarily fixed at $20.00 per month or $120.00 for heating season of ten months, which amounts to 15¢ a square foot of radiation installed. For the last dozen years a reasonable charge would have been 30¢ a foot and with present coal prices a reasonable charge is 40¢ and upwards; so that on the new basis the charge will be made at the rate of 40¢ per sq. ft. of radiation. This will amount to $428.00 or $61.00 a month for the heating season of seven months. If you prefer to spread it over the entire year, dividing by twelve instead of seven, there is no objection to this procedure.

Yours truly,

Allen B Pond [signed]

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