Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Marie W. Frost, August 13, 1917


August 13th, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Frost:

Miss Addams has asked me to thank you for your letter of August 6th and to send you, as I am doing under separate cover, some of the material in reference to the work of the Woman's Peace Party, which, perhaps, you have not seen.

Miss Addams [is] the Chairman of the Woman's Peace Party which is the Section for the United States of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace, which grew out of the Congress of Women at The Hague in 1915. Miss Addams is also the Chairman of this International Committee.

In the Material which I am sending you, I am including a copy of a brief report of this meeting at The Hague and also a copy of the Platform and an application blank for membership in the Woman's Peace Party. Perhaps you will find others in your neighborhood who are interested in our work and who will wish to join their strength to ours. It is a comfort to find others thinking along the same lines and to keep in touch with them.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Mrs. Marie Frost,
New Smyrna, Florida.