Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Manuel del Carpio, April 9, 1917


April 9th, 1917.

My dear Mr. del Carpio: --

Miss Addams has been away from the City for [some time] and your letter of March 27th has been referred to me. I shall be glad to call Miss Addams' attention to it when she returns, though, I believe, that perhaps just at this time there may not be the opportunity for lectures in reference to the Mexican situation that there would have been about a year ago. At that time [we] were very anxious to have really well informed speakers on this subject, but affairs are moving so quickly now that we are hardly able to promise from week to week anything in reference to what will be most timely. I shall keep your letter on my desk, after I have shown it to Miss Addams, and if it seems possible and advisable to arrange for talks in reference to Mexico we shall certainly communicate with you.

Yours sincerely,

Office Secretary.

Mr. M. del Carpio,
4347 Greenwood Avenue,

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